Board of Director Nominations

Election/Vacant Board Positions

NASW-Alabama Chapter relies on volunteers to set policy to guide the Chapter. Services offered by the Alabama Chapter depend upon committed and capable Volunteer Leaders who give generously of their time, talent, and ideas and upon members who choose effective leaders to represent them.

If you know of potential candidates that would be interested in filling any of these vacant positions ( including yourself), please complete the attached candidate nomination form and return it to NASW–Alabama by June 17, 2023. For your convenience, you may also submit your application by fax to: 334-460-1035 OR online electronically at the following:

Download the PDF application

Vacant NASW-Alabama Leadership Positions

Board of Director Members

Regional Representatives (Serves a two-year term; 2 positions available)

  • Eastern Regional Representative (Must live in and be able to represent one of the following counties: Autauga, Butler, Calhoun, Chambers, Cherokee, Chilton, Clay, Cleburne, Coosa, Dallas, Elmore, Etowah, Lee, Lowndes, Macon, Montgomery, Randolph, Russell, St. Clair, Talladega, and Tallapoosa County)
  • Southern Regional Representative (Must live in and be able to represent one of the following counties: Baldwin, Barbour, Bullock, Clarke, Coffee, Covington, Conecuh, Crenshaw, Dale, Escambia, Geneva, Henry, Houston, Mobile, Monroe, Pike, Washington, and Wilcox County)

BSW Student Representative (Serves a one-year term; 1 position available)

Students in their freshman, sophomore, or junior years in a BSW program are encouraged to apply

MSW Student Representative (Serves a one-year term; 1 position available)

Students in their first year of an MSW program are encouraged to apply.

Member at Large (Serves a two-year term; 1 position available)

CCNLI Chairman (Serves a three-year term; 1 position available)

Committee Membership (Non-Elected Leadership)

Legislative Affairs Committee (Serves a two-year term)

This committee is responsible for identifying and supporting legislation that is in the interest of the social work profession and those served by the social work profession. This committee also works to help elect & keep in office public officials/candidates who support the goals and objectives of the social work profession.

Conference Planning Committee (Serves a two-year term)

The purpose of this committee is to work with the BOD and Chapter in planning, coordinating, and conducting the Annual Conference and Social Work Advocacy Day. Additional regionally based conferences could be considered for facilitation as well.

Scholarship Committee (Serves a two-year term)

The purpose of this committee is to support and promote the NASW-Alabama scholarship program. They will build upon planning, marketing, and oversight of the scholarship program. The committee will also seek sponsorship and benefactors for the scholarship.

Chapter Nomination and Leadership Committee (CCNLI) (Serves a two-year term)

The CCNLI committee is responsible for identifying strong and qualified potential Leadership and Committee Members for the NASW-Alabama Chapter. This committee is also responsible for conducting the Chapter Nominations and Election process.

Ethics Committee (Serves a two-year term)

The committee of Ethics shall be composed of four persons from at least two different regions, appointed by the Vice-President with advice and consent of the Board and who shall be responsible for hearing and determining complaints filed in accordance with the Association’s policy on professional review. The Committee on Ethics may convene local panels to conduct hearings.

Board Position Responsibilities

General Responsibilities of ALL Board Members

  • Attendance and active participation at 4 Quarterly board meetings, held virtually or in Montgomery, AL
  • Attendance and active participation at the NASW-Alabama Virtual or Annual Conference and Student Advocacy Day
  • Active Participation in ALL Board Meetings and chapter operations/activities as outlined by the Executive Director and / or Chapter President.

BSW and MSW Student Representatives

BSW and MSW Student Representatives serve as representatives to the Chapter Board of Directors and to their relative student bodies across the schools/programs of social work throughout the state of Alabama. The BSW and MSW Student Representative shall be responsible for administering the program and activities of the Chapter that are relevant to schools/programs of social work. They are also members of the Social Worker Advocacy Day (SWAD)/ Conference Planning Committee.As ambassadors of the Chapter, the Student Representatives shall engage and invigorate BSW and MSW Students to build and develop their professional awareness of NASW, beginning with membership in the association.

Charges to BSW and MSW Student Representatives:

  • Provide current representation of the schools/programs of social work to the Board by attending Board meetings
  • Participate in the planning and implementation of Social Worker Advocacy Day (SWAD)/ Conference Planning Committee.
  • Participate as members by actively following and reporting current events and issues for posts for the Chapter’s Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter posts, and organizing social gatherings.
  • To actively recruit and encourage others to recruit new BSW and MSW members by conducting a minimum of 2 presentations (each) to schools/programs of social work throughout the state.
  • To obtain and convey required information to currently enrolled BSW and MSW members, board officers, and committees.
  • To actively engage school of social work student organization leaders so they are aware of issues that impact social work students and the social work profession.

Regional Representatives

Regional Representatives serve the two-fold purpose of representation to the Chapter Board of Directors and implementation of programs locally. The Region Representative shall be responsible for administering the program and activities of the local region, carrying out Chapter policies at the local level, facilitating activities desired by the local region membership that are consistent with the goals and objectives of the Chapter, and generation of non-dues revenue as guided by the Chapter and in line with the programmatic objectives of the Board of Directors.

Charges to Region Representatives

  • Provide Region representation to the Board by attending Board meetings.
  • To conduct at least two meetings in assigned region annually and chair these meetings.
  • To conduct an annual Regional Conference in assigned region.
  • To prepare and present to the Board a report of Region activities during the past quarter and an end of the year report. The report shall contain financial and program information.
  • To actively recruit and encourage others to recruit new members, especially racial minority members.
  • To coordinate with President and Executive Director activities that include Continuing Education units.
  • To obtain and convey required information to your Region members, board officers and committees.

Member at Large

To act in the best interest of the Association as a whole and to exercise the legal duties of stewardship: 1) to be faithful to the Association’s mission, 2) to exercise due diligence and 3) to give undivided allegiance to the Association when making decisions affecting the Association.

Charges to the Member at Large:

  • Represents the chapter membership as a whole in consideration of policy issues, operating problems, and external relations.
  • Assists the Board in carrying out its responsibilities by reviewing and monitoring chapter outcomes and asking questions when appropriate to gain clarity and understanding.
  • Attends board meetings and comes prepared to make thoughtful contributions on behalf of membership.
  • Remains informed about the Association’s services and programs and acts as an ambassador to promote the Association’s efforts in the chapter throughout the state.
  • Facilitates communication between regional and chapter leadership when appropriate.
  • Brings issues or concerns of regions to the Board.
  • Participates on board committees, task forces, and other designations as assigned.
  • Represents NASW-Alabama Chapter, as assigned, with other collaborative partners and professional organizations.
  • Assists student representatives to develop linkages and mentoring between students, schools, chapters etc.
  • Supports the NASW Scholarship and Fundraising Committees and engages membership for enhanced awareness of needs and opportunities.
  • Participates in membership recruitment activities.
  • Communicates with the President of the NASW-Alabama Chapter Board of Directors on matters of chapter importance to membership.Aides in fulfillment of mission / goals / objectives and alignment to strategic plan.

CCNLI Chairman

The CCNLI Chairman is responsible for leading the CCNLI Committee Members in the facilitation of the chapter's nominations, selection, and election process in accordance with the Standards for NASW Chapter Nominations and Elections.

Charges to the Member at Large:

  • The CCNLI Chairman shall carry its duties related to the selection of candidates by the CCNLI Committee as an autonomous body.
  • The CCNLI leads the committee subject to the policies set forth in the NASW Bylaws and by the National Board of Directors.
  • In the event of necessary interpretation of Bylaws, the CCNLI Chairman shall submit a request for bylaws interpretations to the Chapter Services Department and/or to legal counsel.

If you have questions regarding the vacant board positions, please contact a current NASW-Alabama Chapter Board Member or the Chapter Office by email: