The National Association of Social Workers - Alabama Chapter invites you to sponsor their 2025 Annual Conference to be held April 3-4, 2025, at the Sheraton Hotel in Birmingham, Alabama. As a sponsor, your organization will have the opportunity to network with over 400 social work professionals about your resources available to individuals in the state.
This year’s theme is Social Work:Compassion + Action. The theme encapsulates the essence of our commitment to these vital issues of compassion inherent in social work and the proactive action required to effect change. We will also showcase a self-care component for social workers in the profession.
The National Association of Social Workers was founded in 1955 to promote, develop and protect the practice of social work and social workers. At over 110,000 members in 55 chapters across the United States and abroad, it is the largest and most recognized membership organization of professional social workers in the nation. NASW and the NASW-AL Chapter seek to enhance the well-being of individuals, families and communities through its work and advocacy for social justice.
NASW-AL Chapter looks forward to providing your organization/agency with a unique networking opportunity. Your contribution will solidify the conference’s success. We appreciate all levels of support!
Contact Gwen Bouie-Haynes, PhD, LMSW at for more information and invoice.
As a sponsor of the NASW-AL Annual Conference, you will be provided with an exhibit table and be included in the printed conference program. Additionally, sponsors receive the following benefits according to support level:
PLATINUM - $2,500 Exhibitor table, recognition in the program. This level includes being located in a prime location, front or back of cover program, full page color ad, on the conference program, social media, 2 complimentary registrations.
GOLD - $1500, Exhibitor table, recognition in the program, full page color ad, 1 complimentary conference registration.
SILVER - $1200 1 table, Half page black and white ad, recognition in the program, 1 complimentary conference registration.
BRONZE- $1000 Recognition in the program, half page black and white ad, exhibitor table, no complimentary registration.
SUPPORTER - $600 Recognition in the program, including an exhibitor table, business card page, 1/8, black and white, no conference registration.
EXHIBITOR LEVELS Includes an exhibit table and one person at the table.