Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved with your professional association. If you're interested in any of the following activities, please please email us at

Run for Elected Office

Become part of the leadership of the Association.

Attend an NASW-AL Board of Directors Meeting 

All board meetings are open to the membership. For upcoming meeting dates email

Please note that Executive Committee meetings are not open meetings.


All members are invited to contact legislators on behalf of their clients. Contact us to find out what initiatives NASW is promoting.

Intern with Us!

NASW-Alabama seeks student interns year round at our Chapter office in Montgomery.

Volunteer at the NASW-Alabama Chapter Office 

We're always looking for help doing mailings, making phone calls, general office stuff if you can spare a few hours to come to Montgomery.

Chapter Nominations


NASW-Alabama Chapter relies on volunteers to set policy to guide the Chapter. Services offered by the Alabama Chapter depend upon committed and capable Volunteer Leaders who give generously of their time, talent, and ideas and upon members who choose effective leaders to represent them.

Fill out our application form here by May 8, 2022 to join our chapter leadership!